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Samedi 27 Juillet 2024   -   01 : 01 à Lomé
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Pour la Liberté et le Pluralisme
The english cafe is back!
04 novembre 2014   -   Par Kouamivi Sossou

The English Café is back!!

Description: It is an ESL speaking and conversation club to enhance
the mastery of English Language and promote Community awareness. Schedule: Every Wednesday 6:00pm to 7:30 pm Student Level Desired: Intermediate and Advanced Intermediate.

Venue: SEEDS-TOGO office. On the street behind the former office, at
agbalepedo fan Milk. Fees: Voluntary contribution at every session. ( November December 2014)

From January 2015: An affordable fee will be charged per session. Activity Leader and contact number: David Gathe Nyamikou
ESL /SEN Associate Teacher Tel: 91 74 77 87 gatheworks@gmail.com. Reservation for attendance: 91085756 Sylvie, PS: Inform your network, share this mail.

Hope to see many of you tomorrow! Cheers.


A lire aussi
Agence de presse GOLFENEWS
Casier numéro 83 (Maison de la presse)
42, rue Atimé, Tokoin-Gbadago, Lomé - Togo.
Tél.: 0022893643812, 004915217480731
Email: redaction@golfenews.info
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