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Togo: 80 young people received the sacrement of confirmation on the parish Saint Rita
30 juillet 2019   -   Par Kouamivi Sossou

80 young people received the sacrament of confirmation this Sunday, July 28, 2019 on the parish Saint Rita of Tokoin Wuitsi.

After their baptism, 80 youngs, including 43 girls and 37 boys, decided to receive the sacrament of confirmation.

Confirmation is the sacrament of anointing the faithful with holy oil to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the Catholic Church, after baptism, the devoted must still learn catechesis for a year to receive confirmation. without confirmation, Catholic devoted can not get married in the church.

Agence de presse GOLFENEWS
Casier numéro 83 (Maison de la presse)
42, rue Atimé, Tokoin-Gbadago, Lomé - Togo.
Tél.: 0022893643812, 004915217480731
Email: redaction@golfenews.info
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