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Dimanche 16 Février 2025   -   22 : 47 à Lomé
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TV3 meet the ADDI political party
23 avril 2015   -   Par Kouamivi Sossou

The caravan of Fight for the alternation in 2015, traveled Djidjolé, Adjidogomé, Davie and dropped at the municipal stadium of Lomé where the candidate Jean Pierre Fabre hosted its last meeting.
A few more hours the electoral campaign for the presidential election of April 25, 2015 will go down in history. A part of the party, Mr. Laurent Atsou, took up the ball to grant gave an interview to the delegation.
The Tv3 chain also covered the meetings of the Union for the Republic (Unite) organized Condjindji, the descent of the candidate Faure Gnassingbe to market Djiffa the caravan Cape 2015 and the meeting of Jean Pierre Fabre at the Municipal Stadium Lomé.

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