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Pour la Liberté et le Pluralisme
Togo : Clement Klutse as parliamentary candidate in Germany
08 février 2015   -   Par Kouamivi Sossou

clement amatevi

The Togolese born, Clement Amatevi Klutse, runs for a seat at the Hamburg Parliament in Germany. Amatevi Klutse stands as candidate in the parliamentary elections to be held on February 15 in Hamburg.

Speaking about the occasion offered to him, Amatevi Klutse disclosed that “ This is an excellent opportunity given the African community by the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU)”.

Clement Amatevi Klutse has been living in Germany for about 20 years. He studied Economics at the University of Hamburg. He is a member of the African Consultative Forum and member of the Bambek chapter of the CDU party.


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